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Cathar Castles
Château de Biron
Well Preserved Medieval Castle in France

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The Château de Biron is a castle in the French commune of Biron in the valley of the Lède, a tributary of the Lot River in the département of Dordogne in Périgord, part of the Aquitaine. Biron was held by Cathars in 1211 and taken by Simon IV de Montfort the following year. The Plantagenets held it at times during the 14th and 15th century. Biron was erected as a duché-pairie in 1598, for Charles de Gontaut, created duc de Biron.

The present château bears additions over the centuries that make it a picturesque ensemble: a twelfth century keep, sixteenth-century living quarters, a chapel and vaulted kitchens. The commune purchased the Château de Biron in 1978, with a view to restoring the structure as a tourist draw. Since 1928, the Château de Biron has been listed as a monument historique by the French Ministry of Culture.


Château de Biron
Biron 24540

Cathar Country Tours
Telephone from the UK: 00 33 468 201142
Telephone from the US: 010 33 468 201142
Telephone from France: 0468 201142
Telephone from other countries: +33 (0)468 201142



Small scale map showing the location of
Château de Biron

Google map showing the location of
Château de Biron

Large scale map showing
Château de Biron


Film Location For:

Les visiteurs II - Les couloirs du temps (1998)    by Jean-Marie PoirĂ©







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