A manor house is a country house, which historically formed the
administrative centre of a manor, the lowest unit of territorial
organization in the feudal system in Europe. A manor house was
the dwelling house or "capital messuage" of a feudal
lord of a manor.
The primary feature of the manor-house was its great hall, to
which subsidiary apartments were added as the lessening of feudal
warfare permitted more peaceful domestic life.
Legal trials or sessions of his "court baron" or manor
court were generally held there, usually in the Great Hall of
the Manor House. In France such courts were often held at the
manoir, but outside the building in the courtyard.
A lord might posses a number of manors, each of which would typically
have a manor house. So each manor house might have been occupied
only on occasional visits. Sometimes a steward or seneschal was
appointed by the lord to oversee and manage his different manorial
properties. The day-to-day administration was delegated to a bailiff,
or reeve.
The term Manor House is sometimes applied to country houses which
belonged to gentry families, even if they were never administrative
centres of a manor. The term is used especially for minor late
medieval fortified country houses often built more for show than
for defence.
Although not typically built with strong fortifications as castles
were, many manor-houses were partly fortified: they were enclosed
within walls or ditches that often included the farm buildings
as well. Arranged for defence against robbers and thieves, manor
houses were sometimes surrounded by a moat with a drawbridge,
and equipped with gatehouses and watchtowers; but was not generally
provided with a keep, large towers or curtain walls and could
not generaly withstand a long siege.
By the beginning of the 16th century, manor-houses as well as
small castles began to acquire the character and amenities of
the residences of country gentlemen. This late 16th century transformation
produced many of the smaller Renaissance châteaux of France
and the numerous country mansions of the Elizabethan and Jacobean
styles in England.
In France, the terms château or manoir are often used synonymously
to describe a French manor-house. More specifically a Maison-forte
("fortified-house") is a strongly fortified manor-house,
which might include two sets of enclosing walls, drawbridges,
and a ground-floor hall or salle basse that was used to receive
peasants and commoners. The salle basse was also the location
of the manor court, with the steward or seigneur's seating location
often marked by the presence of a crédence de justice or
wall-cupboard (shelves built into the stone walls to hold documents
and books associated with administration of the demesne or droit
de justice).
The salle haute or upper-hall was reserved for the seigneur.
There he received his high-ranking guests. This upper hall was
often accessible by an external spiral staircase. It was commonly
"open" up to the roof trusses, as in similar English
homes. This larger and more finely decorated hall was usually
located above the ground-floor hall. The seigneur's and his family's
private chambers were often located off of the upper first-floor
hall. They invariably had their own fireplace (with finely decorated
chimney-pieces) and frequently at least one latrine.
In addition to having both lower and upper-halls, many French
manor-houses also had partly fortified gateways, watchtowers,
and enclosing walls that were fitted with arrow or gun loops for
added protection. Some larger 16th-century manors, such as the
Château de Kerjean in Finistère, Brittany, were even
outfitted with ditches and fore-works that included gun platforms
for cannons. These defensive arrangements allowed maisons-fortes,
and rural manors to be safe from an attack by an armed band -
of which there were many during the Hundred Years War and again
during the Wars of Religion. Manor houses were generally well
enough protected to withstand attacks from casual marauders but
it was difficult for them to resist a siege undertaken by a regular
army equipped with siege engines.
Manorialism or Seigneurialism was the organizing principle of
rural economy that originated in the villa system of the Late
Roman Empire. According to the Church it was the system of government
authorised by God - not merely permitted but enjoined. It was
widely practiced in medieval western and parts of central Europe,
and was slowly replaced by the advent of a money-based market
economy and new forms of agrarian contract.
Manorialism was characterised by the vesting of legal and economic
power in a lord, supported economically from his own direct landholding
and from the obligatory contributions of a legally subject part
of the peasant population under his jurisdiction. These obligations
could be payable in several ways, in labour (corvée), in
kind, or as time went on, in coin.
Abbots and Bishops were feudal lords - controlling around a third
of Christian Europe. As Walter Horn noted"as a manorial entity
the Carolingian monastery.. differed little from the fabric of
a feudal estate, save that the corporate community of men for
whose sustenance this organization was maintained consisted of
monks who served God in chant and spent much of their time in
reading and writing."
Manorialism died slowly and piecemeal, along with its most vivid
feature in the landscape, the open field system. It outlasted
feudalism: "primarily an economic organization, it could
maintain a warrior, but it could equally well maintain a capitalist
landlord. It could be self-sufficient, yield produce for the market,
or it could yield a money rent." The last feudal dues in
France were abolished at the French Revolution. In parts of eastern
Germany, the Rittergut manors of Junkers remained until World
War II.
The term is most often used with reference to medieval Western
Europe. Antecedents of the system can be traced to the rural economy
of the later Roman Empire. With a declining birthrate and population,
labour was the key factor of production. Successive administrations
tried to stabilize the imperial economy by freezing the social
structure into place: sons were to succeed their fathers in their
trade, councilors were forbidden to resign, and coloni, the cultivators
of land, were not to move from the demesne they were attached
to. They were on their way to becoming serfs. Several factors
conspired to merge the status of former slaves and former free
farmers into a dependent class of such coloni. Laws of the first
Christian emperor Constantine I around 325 both reinforced the
negative semi-servile status of the coloni and limited their rights
to sue in the courts.
As Germanic kingdoms succeeded Roman authority in the West in
the fifth century, Roman landlords were often simply replaced
by Gothic or Germanic ones, with little change to the underlying
In the generic plan of a medieval manor from Shepherd's Historical
Atlas, the strips of individually-worked land in the open field
system are immediately apparent. In this plan, the manor house
is set slightly apart from the village, but equally often the
village grew up around the forecourt of the manor, formerly walled,
while the manor lands stretched away outside, as still may be
seen at Petworth House.
As concerns for privacy increased in the 18th century, manor
houses were often located a farther distance from the village.
When a grand new house was required by the new owner of Harlaxton
Manor, Lincolnshire, in the 1830s, the site of the existing manor
house at the edge of its village was abandoned for a new one,
isolated in its park, with the village out of view.
In an agrarian society, the conditions of land tenure underlie
all social or economic factors. There were two legal systems of
pre-manorial landholding. One, the most common, was the system
of holding land "allodially" in full outright ownership.
The other was a use of precaria or benefices, in which land was
held conditionally (the root of the English word "precarious").
To these two systems, the Carolingian monarchs added a third,
the aprisio, which linked manorialism with feudalism. The aprisio
made its first appearance in Charlemagne's province of Septimania
(modern Languedoc in the south of France), when Charlemagne had
to settle the Visigothic refugees, who had fled with his retreating
forces, after the failure of his Saragossa expedition of 778.
He solved this problem by allotting "desert" tracts
of uncultivated land belonging to the royal fisc under direct
control of the emperor. These holdings aprisio entailed specific
conditions. The earliest specific aprisio grant that has been
identified was at Fontjoncouse, near Narbonne. In former Roman
settlements, a system of villas, dating from Late Antiquity, was
carried into the medieval period.
Manors each consisted of up to three classes of land:
- Demesne, the part directly controlled by the lord and used
for the benefit of his household and dependents;
- Dependent (serf or villein) holdings carrying the obligation
that the peasant household supply the lord with specified labour
services or a part of its output (or cash in lieu), subject
to the custom attached to the holding; and
- Free peasant land, without such obligation but otherwise subject
to manorial jurisdiction and custom, and owing money rent fixed
at the time of the lease.
Additional sources of income for the lord included charges for
use of his mill, bakery or wine-press, or for the right to hunt
or to let pigs feed in his woodland, as well as court revenues
and single payments on each change of tenant. On the other side
of the account, manorial administration involved significant expenses,
perhaps a reason why smaller manors tended to rely less on villein
Dependent holdings were held nominally by arrangement of lord
and tenant, but tenure became in practice almost universally hereditary,
with a payment made to the lord on each succession of another
member of the family. Villein land could not be abandoned, at
least until demographic and economic circumstances made flight
a viable proposition; nor could they be passed to a third party
without the lord's permission, and the customary payment.
Though not free, villeins were by not in the same position as
slaves: they enjoyed legal rights, subject to local custom, and
had recourse to the law, subject to court charges which were an
additional source of manorial income. Sub-letting of villein holdings
was common, and labour on the demesne might be commuted into an
additional money payment, as happened increasingly from the 13th
This description of a manor house at Chingford, Essex in England
was recorded in a document for the Chapter of St Paul's Cathedral
when it was granted to Robert Le Moyne in 1265:
He received also a sufficient and handsome hall well ceiled
with oak. On the western side is a worthy bed, on the ground,
a stone chimney, a wardrobe and a certain other small chamber;
at the eastern end is a pantry and a buttery. Between the hall
and the chapel is a sideroom. There is a decent chapel covered
with tiles, a portable altar, and a small cross. In the hall
are four tables on trestles. There are likewise a good kitchen
covered with tiles, with a furnace and ovens, one large, the
other small, for cakes, two tables, and alongside the kitchen
a small house for baking. Also a new granary covered with oak
shingles, and a building in which the dairy is contained, though
it is divided. Likewise a chamber suited for clergymen and a
necessary chamber. Also a hen-house. These are within the inner
gate. Likewise outside of that gate are an old house for the
servants, a good table, long and divided, and to the east of
the principal building, beyond the smaller stable, a solar for
the use of the servants. Also a building in which is contained
a bed, also two barns, one for wheat and one for oats. These
buildings are enclosed with a moat, a wall, and a hedge. Also
beyond the middle gate is a good barn, and a stable of cows,
and another for oxen, these old and ruinous. Also beyond the
outer gate is a pigstye.
Like feudalism which, together with manorialism, formed the legal
and organizational framework of feudal society, manorial structures
were not uniform. In the later Middle Ages, areas of incomplete
or non-existent manorialization persisted while the manorial economy
underwent substantial development with changing economic conditions.
Not all manors contained all three kinds of land: typically,
demesne accounted for roughly a third of the arable area, and
villein holdings rather more; but some manors consisted solely
of demesne, others solely of peasant holdings. The proportion
of unfree and free tenures could likewise vary greatly, with more
or less reliance on wage labour for agricultural work on the demesne.
The proportion of the cultivated area in demesne tended to be
greater in smaller manors, while the share of villein land was
greater in large manors, providing the lord of the latter with
a larger supply of obligatory labour for demesne work. The proportion
of free tenements was generally less variable, but tended to be
somewhat greater on the smaller manors.
Manors varied similarly in their geographical arrangement: most
did not coincide with a single village, but rather consisted of
parts of two or more villages, most of the latter containing also
parts of at least one other manor. This situation sometimes led
to replacement by cash payments or their equivalents in kind of
the demesne labour obligations of those peasants living furthest
from the lord's estate.
As with peasant plots, the demesne was not a single territorial
unit, but consisted rather of a central house with neighbouring
land and estate buildings, plus strips dispersed through the manor
alongside free and villein ones: in addition, the lord might lease
free tenements belonging to neighbouring manors, as well as holding
other manors some distance away to provide a greater range of
Nor were manors held necessarily by lay lords rendering military
service (or again, cash in lieu) to their superior: a substantial
share (estimated by value at 17% in England in 1086) belonged
directly to the king, and a greater proportion (rather more than
a quarter) were held by bishoprics and monasteries. Ecclesiastical
manors tended to be larger, with a significantly greater villein
area than neighbouring lay manors.
By extension, the word manor is sometimes used in England to
mean any home area or territory in which authority is held, often
in a police or criminal context.
Avebury Manor
in Avebury, near Marlborough, Wiltshire, England. |
Ashton Court, west of Bristol in England |
Château de Trécesson
a 14th-century manor-house in Morbihan, Brittany
Ightham Mote, a 14th-century moated manor house in Kent, England |
The moated manor house of Baddesley Clinton, Warwickshire,
England |
Birtsmorton Court is a medieval moated manor house near Malvern
in Worcestershire, England |
Bramall Hall is a Tudor manor house in Bramhall, within the
Metropolitan Borough of Stockport, Greater Manchester, England. |
Chavenage House is an Elizabethan era manor house situated
1.5 miles northwest of Tetbury, in the Cotswolds area of Gloucestershire,
England. |
Clevedon Court is
a manor house in Clevedon, North
Somerset, England,
dating from the early fourteenth century |
Cothelstone Manor in Cothelstone, Somerset, England was built
in the mid 16th century |
Farleigh House (or Farleigh Castle) is a
large country house in the English county of Somerset
Finchcocks,an early Georgian manor house in Goudhurst, Kent,
View of the rear of the house, from the garden
Gainsborough Old Hall in Lincolnshire , one
of the best preserved medieval manor houses in England.
Great Chalfield Manor is an English country
house near Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire.
Lord of the Manor
The title of Lord of the Manor arose in the English mediaeval system
of Manorialism after the Norman Conquest. The title Lord of the
Manor is a titular feudal dignity which is still recognised today
as semi-extinct form of landed property. Their Lord of the Manor
of (say) Moorstones is still entitled to call himself Joe Soap,
Lord of the Manor of Moorstones, but the title does not does not
entitle him to a coat of arms. According to John Martin Robinson,
Maltravers Herald Extraordinary , ”Lordship of this or that
manor is no more a title than Landlord of The Dog and Duck".
In England in the Middle Ages land was held of the English monarch
or ruler by a powerful local supporter, who gave protection in return.
The people who had sworn homage to the lord were known as vassals.
Vassals were nobles who served loyalty for the king, in return for
being given the use of land. After the Norman conquest of England,
however, all the land of England was owned by the monarch who then
granted the use of it by means of a transaction known as enfeoffment,
to earls, barons, and others, in return for military service. The
person who held feudal land directly from the king was known as
a 'tenant-in-chief'.
Military service was based upon units of ten knights. An important
tenant-in-chief might be expected to provide all ten knights, and
lesser tenants-in-chief, half of one. Some tenants-in-chief 'sub-infeuded',
that is, granted, some of their land to a sub-tenant. Further sub-infeudation
could occur down to the level of a lord of a single manor, which
in itself might represent only a fraction of a knight's fee. A mesne
lord was the level of lord in the middle holding several manors,
between the lords of a manor and the superior lord. The sub-tenant
might have to provide knight service, or finance just a portion
of it, or pay something purely nominal. Any further sub-infeudation
was prohibited by the Statute of Quia Emptores in 1291. Knight service
was abolished by the Tenures Abolition Act 1660.
A typical manor contained a village with a church and agricultural
land. The lord usually had a large block of this land. Some of the
inhabitants were serfs and were bound to the land, others were freeholders,
known as 'franklins', who were free from feudal service. Periodically
all the tenants met at a 'manorial court', with the lord of the
manor, or his steward, as chairman. These courts, known as Courts
Baron, dealt with the tenants' rights and duties, changes of occupancy,
and disputes between tenants. Some manorial courts also had the
status of a court leet, and so they elected constables and other
officials and were effectively Magistrates Courts for minor offences.
The tenure of freeholders was protected by the royal courts. After
the Black Death, labour was in demand and so it became difficult
for the lords of the manors to impose duties on serfs. However their
customary tenure continued and in the 16th century the royal courts
also began to protect these customary tenants, who became known
as copyholders. The name arises because the tenant was given a copy
of the court's record of the fact as a title deed. During the 19th
century manor courts were phased out. In 1925 copyhold tenure formally
ended with the enactment of Law of Property Acts, 1922 and 1924.
Although copyhold was abolished, the title of Lord of the Manor,
and some of the property rights attached to it, was not. During
the latter part of the 20th century, many of these titles were sold
to wealthy individuals seeking a distinction.
Since 1926 the Historical Manuscripts Commission has maintained
two Manorial Documents Registers. One register is arranged under
parishes, the other is arranged under manors and shows the last-known
whereabouts of the manorial records. Those that have survived are
often at County Record Offices but some are still in the hands of
the owners.
In English and Irish Law, the lordship of the manor is treated
as being distinct from the actual lands of the manor. The title
of lord of the manor is regarded as an 'incorporeal heriditament'
(an inheritable property that has no explicit tie to the physical
manor) i.e. it can be held "in gross", and it can thus
be bought and sold, just as fishing rights may. Landowners may,
therefore, sell their feudal title while retaining their land. The
title separate from the land remains a feudal 'title of dignity'.
A genuine lordship of the manor is backed by original papers and
proof of continuous ownership. Some rights and privileges, or even
obligations may go alongside a particular lordship (a famous example
is the lordship of the Manor of Worksop). Lordships with a church
affiliation often have a clause that the owner of the title must
contribute to the cost of repairs of the church building. If the
lordship owns a road, it is possible - in a very limited number
of cases - to charge others for use of this road on the basis that
they are crossing the lordship's land.
Some notable Manors of England
- Alford Manor House
- Ascott-under-Wychwood Manor
- Ashton Court
- Avebury Manor
- Aydon Castle, Northumberland
- Barrington Court
- Baddesley Clinton
- Bank Hall, Bretherton
- Barkham Manor, Berkshire
- Begbroke Manor, Oxfordshire
- Bettiscombe Manor
- Birtsmorton Court
- Bitterne Manor
- Bletchingdon Manor
- Boarstall Tower
- Boothby Hall
- Bradninch
- Bramall Hall
- Bromley Palace
- Brooksby Hall
- Brympton d'Evercy
- Bucknell Manor
- Burghley House
- Calcot Manor
- Chambercombe Manor
- Chavenage House
- Cheddington
- Chenies Manor House
- Childwickbury Manor
- Clevedon Court
- Cothay Manor
- Cothelstone Manor
- Cranborne
- Desning Hall
- Duns Tew Manor
- East Riddlesden Hall
- Edlingham Castle
- Etal Manor
- Farleigh House
- Finchcocks
- Gainsborough Old Hall
- Garsington Manor
- Gidea Hall
- Great Chalfield Manor
- Great Snoring/Snoring Magna Manor
- Great Tew Manor
- Greaves Hall
- Grimshaw Hall
- Groby Old Hall
- Garsington Manor
- Halsway Manor
- Halswell House
- Hampton Gay Manor — burnt out
- Harlaxton Manor
- Hartham Park, Corsham
- Hatfield House
- Hinxworth Place
- Hestercombe House
- Hever Castle, Kent
- Hughenden Manor
- Ightham Mote
- Icomb Place
- Kelmscott Manor
- Kemerton Court
- Kirby Muxloe Castle
- Knole House
- Lambton Castle
- Langdon Court
- Les Augres Manor
- Lesingham House
- Levens Hall
- Linford Manor
- Little Barford
- Little Snoring Manor
- Little Tew Manor
- Lytes Cary
- Montacute House
- Manor House Hotel, CastleCombe
- Newton Surmaville
- Northborough,
- Cambridgeshire
- Nunnington Hall
- Orchardleigh Estate
- Oxon Hoath
- Owlpen Manor
- Pixton Park
- Poundisford Park
- Roos Hall
- Rufford Old Hall
- Sandhill Park
- Sawston Hall
- Scotney Castle
- Shutford Manor
- Simpson's Place
- Snowshill Manor
- Somerton Castle
- Speke Hall
- Stanford Hall
- Stokesay Castle
- Ston Easton Park
- Stourhead
- Sturminster Newton
- Sulgrave
- Sutton Court
- The Manor House Bishop Bridge
- Theobalds
- Thorndon Hall
- Tretower Court
- Tyntesfield
- Ufton Court
- Waddesdon Manor
- Walton Hall, Milton Keynes
- Wanborough Manor
- Washington Old Hall (ancestral home of George Washington)
- Water Eaton Manor
- Whalton Manor
- Wightwick Manor
- Wilderhope Manor on Wenlock Edge
- Wingfield Manor — deserted
- Woodeaton Manor
- Woodstock Manor
- Woolsthorpe Manor
- Yalding Manor
- Yarnton Manor
Some notable Manors of France
- Château de Beaumont-le-Richard in Calvados, Normandy.
- Château de Bienassis in Côtes-d'Armor, Brittany.
- Château de Bonnefontaine in Ille-et-Vilaine, Brittany.
- Manoir de Dur-Écu, 16th century manor in Manche,
- Château de Gratot in Manche, Normandy.
- Château du Hac, 14th century, Côtes-d'Armor,
- Château d'Harcourt in Eure, Normandy.
- Manoir de Kerazan in Finistère, Brittany.
- Château de Kérouzéré in Finistère,
- Manoir de Mézarnou, 16th century manor in Finistère,
Brittany. (under extensive restoration)
- Château des Milandes in Dordogne, Aquitaine.
- Château de Pirou in Manche, Normandy.
- Château du Plessis-Josso in Morbihan, Brittany.
- Château de Puymartin in Dordogne, Aquitaine. (in
- Château de la Roche-Jagu in Côtes-d'Armor,
Brittany. Strategically important maison-forte in Trégor.
- Château des Rochers-Sévigné in Ille-et-Vilaine,
- Château de Rustéphan in Finistère,
Brittany. Ruins of large 15th-16th century manor house.
Some Notable Manor Houses in Scotland
- Brodie Castle
- Drum Castle.
- House of Dun
- Monboddo House
- Muchalls Castle
- Raasay
- Haddo House
Some Notable Manor Houses in Wales
- Bodysgallen Hall near Conwy Castle
- Gwydir Castle, Conwy valley, North Wales
- Weobley Castle, Gower
- Tretower Court near Crickhowell
Some Notable Manor Houses in the Channel Islands
- Sausmarez Manor in Guernsey
- Flamborough Manor
- Longueville Manor, Jersey
- Sark Manor, Sark
Some Notable Manor Houses in Northern Ireland
- Killadeas, 'Manor House Hotel', County Fermanagh
- Richhill Castle, County Armagh
Some Notable Manor Houses in Ireland
- Dunboy Castle, is located on the Beara Peninsula in south-west
- Ballylickey Manor House on Bantry Bay
- Temple House, Ballymote, County Sligo
- Mount Juliet Estate Manor House, Country Kilkenny
- Temple House Manor, County Westmeath
- Bunratty House, County Clare
Some Notable Manor Houses in Germany
- Gut Altenhof in Dänischer Wohld
- Gut Blomenburg
- Gut Brodau in Ostholstein
- Gut Emkendorf
- Gut Knoop in Dänischer Wohld
- Gut Krummbek
- Gut Panker in Ostholstein
- Gut Projensdorf in Dänischer Wohld
- Gut Salzau
- Gut Wahlstorf
- Gut Wellingsbüttel
- Gut Wotersen in Herzogtum Lauenburg
- Schloss Ahrensburg
- Schloss Glücksburg in Angeln
- Schloss Nützschau
Halsway Manor is a manor house in Halsway,
Halswell House is a country house in Goathurst,
Somerset, England.
Harlaxton Manor is an 1837 manor house in
Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, England.
Hatfield House is a country house
on the eastern side of the town of Hatfield, Hertfordshire,
Kemerton Courtin Kemerton, near Tewkesbury
in Gloucestershire.
Knole is an English country house in the
town of Sevenoaks in west Kent,
Levens Hall is a manor house in the county
of Cumbria in northern England.
Lytes Cary is a manor house with associated
chapel and gardens near Charlton Mackrell and Somerton in
Somerset, England.
Montacute House is a late Elizabethan country
house situated in the South Somerset village of Montacute
in somerset, England.
The Manor House(now an hotel) at Castle Combe
in Wiltshire, England,
Oxon Hoath is a manor house in Kent, England
Owlpen Manor is a Tudor manor house situated
in the village of Owlpen in the Stroud district in Gloucestershire,
Scotney Castle in Kent, England.- the old
castle is in the foreground and the new in the background.
Speke Hall is a wood-framed, Tudor house
in Speke, Liverpool, England.
Stanford Hall in Leicestershire, England
The manoir de Kerazan lies north of Loctudy and south of the
Pont-l'Abbé in Finistère,Brittany, France. |
The Château des Milandes is a small castle in the commune
of Castelnaud-la-Chapelle in the Dordogne département
of France. |
The château de Pirou is a castle in the commune of Pirou,
in the département of Manche (Basse-Normandie), France. |
The Château de Puymartin is located in the Commune of
Marquay in the département of the Dordogne, in the Aquitaine
region, France. |
The Château de la Roche-Jagu was built in the 16thC,
located in the Commune of Ploëzal in the Côtes-d'Armor,
Brittany, France. |
The Château des Rochers-Sévigné, is a
Gothic manoir of the fifteenth C located near to Vitré
in the Ille-et-Vilaine, France. |
Thorndon Hall is a Georgian Palladian country house within
Thorndon Park, Ingrave, Essex |
Tyntesfield is a Victorian Gothic Revival estate
near Wraxall, North Somerset, England, |
Waddesdon Manor is a country house in the village of Waddesdon,
in Buckinghamshire, England. |
Washington Old Hall is a manor house located in the Washington
area of Tyne and Wear. It lies in the centre of Washington,
being surrounded by other villages. The manor was the ancestral
home of the family of George Washington, the first President
of the United States. |
Wightwick Manor (pronounced 'Wittick') is a Victorian manor
house located on Wightwick Bank, Wolverhampton, West Midlands,
England, |
Woolsthorpe Manor in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, near Grantham,
Lincolnshire, England, was the birthplace of Sir Isaac Newton |
Brodie Castle is a castle near Forres in the Moray region
of Scotland.
Drum Castle, a castle near Drumoak in Aberdeenshire,Scotland. |
Stanford Hall in Nottinghamshire, England, |
Stokesay Castle, located at Stokesay, a mile south of the
town of Craven Arms, in southern Shropshire, is the oldest fortified
manor house in England, dating back to the late 13th century. |
Gwydir Castle is situated in the Conwy valley, North Wales, |
The château de Gratot is a ruined medieval castle in
the commune of Gratot, in the Manche département in Basse-Normandie
( France). |
The Château d'Harcourt, situated in the commune of Harcourt
in the Eure département of France |
Monboddo House is a historically famous mansion in The Mearns,
Scotland. |
Bodysgallen Hall is a manor house in Conwy county borough,
north Wales, near the village of Llanr |
a typical Maison de Maitre |
More on Types of Castle and History of Castles
Click on any of the following links to learn more about specific
types of castle
Dover Castle, Kent, England
Matsumoto Castle, ("Crow Castle"),
Matsumoto,, Nagano Prefecture near Tokyo.
Château de Sceaux, Sceaux, Hauts-de-Seine,France
Alcazar Castle, Segovia,Spain