Castra - Fortified Towns
The word castrum denotes a Roman fort but it has a second
meaning. It also denotes a defended town or city. In medieval times
most substantial towns possessed many features associated with castles,
including surrounding walls and gates that could be closed and locked
at night.
A vestige of these times is the practice of offering the keys of
the city to honoured guests. Only the most trusted citizens were
entrusted with the keys to the city gates
In the popular mind there is a clear distinction between castles
and towns, but in medieval times the distinction was far more hazy.
A large castle might accommodate a whole township with its walls.
Similarly a town might look indistinguishable from a castle. Many
"Cathar Castles" were really castra, and it may well be
that the distinction is arbitrary - contemporary chroniclers sometimes
made a distinction, but often did not, and often failed to use the
the same terms as each other for the same places.
Sometimes a castle within city walls looks like one massive castle
- an excellent example is Carcassonne, shown on the right. There
is a large castle, the Château Comptal, set within the fortified
The castle has its own curtain walls and towers and a semi circular
barbican within the cite. Even if the cite were taken by an enemy
the château comptal could still hold out.
The City itself is like a giant castle, with two rings of city
walls and intramural towers, and its own barbican at the Narbonne
gate. As the castle is set against the city walls (or perhaps the
city walls represent the castle's bailey) an addition entrance into
the city leads straight into the castle. (There is third barbican
here, at the Aude gate). This provides the maximum possible flexibility
for defenders.
When towns were taken, besiegers would often destroy the city walls,
partly to deter a repeat and partially as a punishment. The destruction
of the city walls of Toulouse by Simon de Montfort in the thirteenth
century left scars that still sting today. Simon's death while besieging
the rapidly rebuilt city walls is still widely celebrated.
Carcassonne - The Old Cite, Aude, France |
Carcassonne - The Château Comptal , Aude, France |
In many areas even small villages, hamlets or even farms needed
to be defended. This was especially true in areas such as the Languedoc,
that saw centuries of invasion and lawlessness.
Circulades were small fortified settlements, often located on hill
tops - successors to what had earlier been called oppida.
Circulades and other small fortified towns are often called bastides
- which is confusing because the term has a completely different
Aerial view of a Circulade |
Bastides are towns built in medieval Languedoc, Gascony and Aquitaine
during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Almost seven hundred
new towns were built between 1222 (Cordes-sur-Ciel, Tarn) and 1372
(La Bastide d'Anjou, Tarn) in an effort by the French to colonise
the wilderness especially of what is now southwest France,
Bastides began to appear in numbers under the terms of the Treaty
of Paris (1229), which permitted Raymond VII of Toulouse to build
new towns in his shattered domains, though not to fortify them.
When Alphonse of Poitiers inherited the County of Toulouse, under
a marriage stipulated by the treaty, this "bastide founder
of unparalleled energy" consolidated his regional control in
part through the founding of bastides.
These bastides were also an attempt by landowners to generate revenues
from taxes on trade rather than tithes (taxes on production). Farmers
who elected to move their families to bastides were no longer vassals
of the local lord — they became free men; thus the creation
of bastides was a force in the waning of feudalism.
New inhabitants were encouraged to work the land around the bastide,
which in turn attracted trade in the form of merchants and markets.
The lord taxed dwellings in the bastides and all trade in the market.
The legal footing on which the bastides were set was that of paréage
with the local ruling power, based on a formal written contractual
agreement between the landholder and the ruler (the count of Toulouse,
King of France or King of England. The landholder might be a cartel
of local lords or the abbot of a local monastery.
Responsibilities and benefits were carefully framed in a charter
that delineated the franchises ("liberties") and coutumes
("customs") of the bastide. Feudal rights were invested
in the sovereign, with the local lord retaining some duties as enforcer
of local justice and intermediary between the new inhabitants —
required to build houses within a specified time, often a year —
and the representatives of the sovereign. Residents were granted
a houselot, a kitchen garden lot (casale) and a cultivable lot (arpent)
on the periphery of the bastide's lands. First constructions of
the hall and the church were often of carpentry: stone constructions
came after the successful founding of the bastide.
There has been some scholarly debate about the exact definition
of a bastide. They are now generally described as any town planned
and built as a single unit, by a single founder. The majority of
bastides have a grid layout of intersecting streets, with wide thoroughfares
that divide the town plan into insulae, or blocks, through which
a narrow lane often runs, and a central market square surrounded
by arcades (couverts) through which the axes of thoroughfares pass,
with a covered weighing and measuring area.
The market square often provides the module into which the bastide
is subdivided The Roman model, the castrum with its grid plan and
central forum, was inescapable in a region where Roman planning
precedents remained in medieval cities like Béziers, Narbonne,
Orange and Arles.
Most bastides were built in the Lot-et-Garonne, Dordogne, Gers
and Haute-Garonne départements of France, because of the
altitude and quality of the soil, and some were placed in important
defensive positions. The best-known today is probably Andorra la
Vella, but the most populated is Villeneuve-sur-Lot, the "new
town on the River Lot".
When the cite of Carcassonne
fell the French did not trust the locals to continue living in such
a strategic stronghold. The king therefore obliged the inhabitant
to move out and found a new town without city walls. This late Medieval
settlement survives today as the Ville Basse also known as the Bastide
de St-Louis, on the other side of the River Aude from the old cite.
It was later allowed to build its own city walls, some of which
survive. As in many other French cities, the outer defensive ditches
have been filled in to provide spectacular wide boulevards.
Plan of the Bastide St-Louis at Carcassonne, Aude, France
Dubrovnik |