Japanese Castles
Japanese castles are fortresses constructed primarily
of wood and stone. They evolved from the wooden stockades of earlier
centuries, and came into their best-known form in the 16th century.
Their evolution parallels that of western castles,
as their uses were almost identical: defence, strategic control,
impressing people who might cause trouble, centre of government,
and al residence for feudal lords and their families.
Though they were built to last and used more stone
in their construction than most Japanese buildings, castles were
still constructed primarily of wood, and many have been destroyed
over the years. Today there are more than one hundred castles extant,
or partially extant, in Japan, out of around five thousand that
once existed
Originally conceived of purely as fortresses, their
primary purpose being military defence, Japanese castles were originally
placed in strategic locations, along trade routes, roads and rivers.
Though castles continued to be built with these considerations in
mind, for centuries fortresses were also built to serve as centres
of governance. By the Sengoku period, they had come to serve as
the homes of daimyo (feudal lords), and served to impress and intimidate
rivals not only with their defences, but with their size and elegant
interiors, architecture and decorations.
Azuchi Castle, Oda Nobunaga, Omi Province,
This photo shows a reproduction of the keep
at Ise Azuchi-Momoyama Bunka Mura.
Moats were created by diverting mountain streams.
Buildings were made primarily of wattle and daub, using thatched
roofs, or, occasionally, wooden shingles. Small ports in the walls
or planks could be used to deploy bows or fire guns from. The main
weakness of this style was its general instability. Thatch caught
fire even more easily than wood, and weather and soil erosion prevented
structures from being particularly large or heavy. Eventually, stone
bases began to be used, encasing the hilltop in a layer of fine
pebbles, and then a layer of larger rocks over that, with no mortar.
This support allowed larger, heavier, and more permanent buildings.
Some castle moats would be filled with water only
at times of conflict.
The Heian period (7941185) saw a shift from
the need to defend the entire state from invaders to that of lords
defending individual mansions or territories from one another. Defensive
strategies and attitudes were forced to change and adapt. As factions
emerged and loyalties shifted, clans and factions that had helped
the Imperial Court became enemies, and defensive networks were broken,
or altered through the shifting of alliances.
Fortifications were still made almost entirely
out of wood, and were based largely on earlier modes, and on Chinese
and Korean examples. But they began to become larger, to incorporate
more buildings, to accommodate larger armies, and to be conceived
as more long-lasting structures. This mode of fortification, developed
gradually from earlier modes and used throughout the wars of the
Heian period (7701185), and deployed to help defend the shores
of Kyushu from the Mongol invasions of the 13th century, reached
its climax in the 1330s, during the Nanboku-cho period. Chihaya
castle and Akasaka castle, permanent castle complexes containing
a number of buildings but no tall keep towers, and surrounded by
wooden walls, were built by Kusunoki Masashige to be as militarily
effective as possible, within the technology and designs of the
The beginnings of the shapes and styles now considered
to be the "classic" Japanese castle design emerged in
the fourteenth century, and castle towns also appeared and developed.
Despite these developments, castles remained essentially larger,
more complex versions of the simple wooden fortifications of centuries
earlier. It was not until the last thirty years of the period of
war that drastic changes would occur to bring about the emergence
of the type of castle typified by Himeji castle and other surviving
Unlike in Europe, where the advent of the cannon
spelled the end of the age of castles, Japanese castle-building
was spurred by the introduction of firearms. Firearms first appeared
in Japan in 1543, and castle design almost immediately saw developments
in reaction, Azuchi castle, built in the 1570s, was the first example
of a largely new type of castle, on a larger, grander scale than
those that came before, boasting a large stone base, a complex arrangement
of concentric baileys, and a tall central tower. Castle were located
on plains, rather than on mountains, and relied more heavily on
architecture and man-made defenses than on its natural environment
for protection.
Osaka Castle, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan
Akashi Castle,, Akashi,, Hyogo Prefecture,,Japan.
Osaka Castle was destroyed by cannon. This reproduction
towers above the surroundings. The introduction of the arquebus
brought dramatic shifts in battle tactics and military attitudes
in Japan. Though these shifts were complex and numerous, one of
the concepts key to changes in castle design at this time was that
of battle at range. Though archery duels had traditionally preceded
samurai battles since the Heian period or earlier, exchanges of
fire with arquebuses had a far more dramatic effect on the outcome
of the battle; hand-to-hand fighting, while still extremely common,
was diminished by the co-ordinated use of firearms.
Oda Nobunaga, one of the most expert commanders
in the co-ordinated tactical use of the new weapon, built his Azuchi
castle, which has since come to be seen as the paradigm of the new
phase of castle design, with these considerations in mind. The stone
foundation resisted damage from arquebus balls better than wood
or earthworks, and the overall larger scale of the complex added
to the difficulty of destroying it. Tall towers and the castle's
location on a plain provided greater visibility from which the garrison
could employ their guns, and the complex set of courtyards and baileys
provided additional opportunities for defenders to retake portions
of the castle that had fallen.
Cannon were rare in Japan due to the expense of
obtaining them from foreigners, and the difficulty in casting such
weapons themselves as the foundries used to make bronze temple bells
were simply unsuited to the production of iron or steel cannon.
The few cannon that were used were smaller and weaker than those
used in European sieges, and many of them were in fact taken from
European ships and remounted to serve on land; where the advent
of cannon and other artillery brought an end to stone castles in
Europe, wooden ones would remain in Japan for several centuries
longer. A few castles boasted 'wall guns', but these are presumed
to have been little more than large calibre arquebuses, lacking
the power of a true cannon. When siege weapons were used in Japan,
they were most often trebuchets or catapults in the Chinese style,
and they were used as antipersonnel weapons.
There is no record that the goal of destroying
walls ever entered into the strategy of a Japanese siege. In fact,
it was often seen to be more honourable, and more tactically advantageous
on the part of the defender for him to lead his forces into battle
outside the castle. When battles were not resolved in this way,
out in the open, sieges were almost always undertaken purely by
denying supplies to the castle, an effort that could last years,
but involved little more than surrounding the castle with a force
of sufficient size until a surrender could be elicited.
Hirosaki Castle,, central Hirosaki,, Aomori
Prefecture,, Japan
Kiyosu Castle,, Kiyosu,, Aichi Prefecture,Japan.
The crucial development that spurred the emergence
of a new type of defensive architecture was, thus, not cannon, but
the advent of firearms. Arquebus firing squads and cavalry charges
could overcome wooden stockades with relative ease, and so stone
castles came into use.
Azuchi Castle was destroyed in 1582, just three
years after its completion, but it nevertheless ushered in a new
period of castle-building. Among the many castles built in the ensuing
years was Hideyoshi's castle at Osaka, completed in 1585. This incorporated
all the new features and construction philosophies of Azuchi, and
was larger, more prominently located, and longer-lasting. It was
the last bastion of resistance against the establishment of the
Tokugawa shogunate, and remained prominent if not politically or
militarily significant, as the city of Osaka grew up around it,
developing into one of Japan's primary commercial centres.
Though stone was sometimes used to shore up defenses
or foundations for a few centuries prior, Azuchi's distinctive style
of stone base was the first of its kind, and was seen in every castle
constructed afterwards. The Japanese used cannon very infrequently,
and the heavy stone foundations were more than sufficient to repel
arquebus fire. Whether intentionally or not, these foundations apparently
proved resilient against Japan's frequent earthquakes.
This period saw the climax of earlier developments
towards larger buildings, more complex and concentrated construction,
and more elaborate design, both externally and in the castles' interiors.
European castle design began to have an impact as well in this period,
though the castle had long been in decline in Europe by this point.
Matsumoto Castle ("Crow Castle"),
Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture, Near Tokyo, Japan
Nagoya Castle, Nagoya,, central Japan.
Nagoya Castle has a second keep, not visible
In Japanese politics and warfare, the castle served
not only as a fortress, but as the residence of the daimyo, or feudal
lord, and as a symbol of his power. Fushimi Castle, which was meant
to serve as a luxurious retirement home for Toyotomi Hideyoshi,
serves as a popular example of this development. Though it resembled
other castles of the period on the outside, the inside was extremely
lavishly decorated, and the castle is famous for having a tea room
covered in gold leaf. Fushimi was by no means an exception, and
many castles bore varying amounts of golden ornamentation on their
exteriors. Osaka castle was only one of a number of castles that
boasted golden roof tiles, and sculptures of fish, cranes, and tigers.
Certainly, outside of such displays of precious metals, the overall
aesthetics of the architecture and interiors remained extremely
important, as they do in most aspects of Japanese culture.
Some especially powerful families controlled a
string of castles, consisting of a main castle (honjo) and a number
of satellite castles (shijo) spread throughout their territory.
Though the shijo were sometimes full-fledged castles with stone
bases, they were more frequently fortresses of wood and earthworks.
Often, a system of fire beacons, drums, or conch shells was set
up to enable communications between these castles over a great distance.
The Hojo family's Odawara Castle and its network of satellites was
one of the most powerful examples of this honjo-shijo system; the
Hojo controlled so much land that a hierarchy of sub-satellite networks
was created
Himeji Castle (?), Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture,Japan
.jpg) |
Castles lost their main purpose during a two hundred and fifty
years of peace, beginning around 1615 and ending in 1868. Edo period
castles, including survivors from the preceding period, therefore
no longer needed defenses against outside forces as their primary
purpose. They served primarily as luxurious homes for the daimyo,
their families and retainers, and to protect the daimyo, and his
power base, against peasant uprisings and other internal insurrections.
The Tokugawa shogunate, to forestall the amassing of power on the
part of the daimyo, enforced a number of regulations limiting the
number of castles to one per han (feudal domain).
Though there were also, at times, restrictions on the size and
furnishings of these castles, and although many daimyo grew quite
poor later in the period, daimyo nevertheless sought as much as
possible to use their castles as representations of their power
and wealth. The general architectural style did not change much
from more martial times, but the furnishings and indoor arrangements
could be lavish.
This restriction on the number of castles allowed each han had
profound effects not only politically, as intended, but socially,
and in terms of the castles themselves. Where members of the samurai
class had previously lived in or around the great number of castles
sprinkling the landscape, they now became concentrated in the capitals
of the han and in Edo; the resulting concentration of samurai in
the cities, and their near-total absence from the countryside and
from cities that were not feudal capitals (Kyoto and Osaka in particular)
were important features of the social and cultural landscape of
the Edo period.
Meanwhile, the castles in the han capitals inevitably expanded,
not only to accommodate the increased number of samurai they now
had to support, but also to represent the prestige and power of
the daimyo, now consolidated into a single castle. Edo castle, expanded
by a factor of twenty between roughly 1600 and 1636 after becoming
the shogunal seat. Though obviously something of an exception, the
shogun not being a regular daimyo, it nevertheless serves as a fine
example of these developments. These vastly consolidated and expanded
castles, and the great number of samurai living, by necessity, in
and around them, thus led to an explosion in urban growth in 17th
century Japan.
As contact with Western powers increased in the middle of the 19th
century, some castles such as Goryokaku castle in Hokkaido were
turned once again to martial purposes. No longer needed to resist
samurai cavalry charges, or arquebus squads, attempts were made
to convert Goryokaku, and a handful of other castles across the
country, into defensible positions against the cannon of Western
naval vessels.
Kishiwada Castle (or Chikiri Castle), Kishiwada,
Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Himeji Castle, Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture,
Kishiwada Castle (or Chikiri Castle), Kishiwada,
Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Himeji Castle, Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture,Japan
Matsumoto Castle ("Crow Castle"),
Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture, Near Tokyo,Japan
More on Types of Castle and History of Castles
Click on any of the following links to learn more about specific
types of castle
Dover Castle, Kent, England
Matsumoto Castle, ("Crow Castle"),
Matsumoto,, Nagano Prefecture near Tokyo.
Château de Sceaux, Sceaux, Hauts-de-Seine,France
Alcazar Castle, Segovia,Spain